Thought today: Just realized that chatGPT is so powerful that it can even write unit tests for you – just show it your code and tell it which part you want to be covered. Anxiety level of unemployment boosted. Thank you OpenAI.

Modist - a Safer Partitioning Option

Partitioning is necessary when the size of data exceeds the capacity of a single machine. By distributing the workload on each node, the performance is expected to boost by the coefficient manner. In this project, Modist, I explored the structure and functionalities of a distributed system with sharding/ partitioning capability, and received some inspiration from the unit test process.

Liteminer - Your Crypto Mining Crew

Many cryptocurrencies use a distributed consensus protocol to ensure security and authority. In this project I implemented a peer-to-peer networking and proof of work mechanism. In the case of cryptocurrencies, nodes are miners which may drop in and out of the network for various reasons: a miner may crash (or reboot), or a new miner may be added. These changes to the network happen in an unscheduled and unpredictable manner and special care must therefore be taken to ensure that no information is lost.

AutoMIDI - GAN based Jazz Music Generator

Musicians have struggled for years to find an automatic solution for composition. As the development of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, many applications have emerged to provide ideas and insights for songwriters. By aligning the notes and beats correctly, Deep Learning models can dig out the melody that was rarely or never used by prior musicians. In this hackthon project, we proposed to convert audios into image-based files to leverage the idea of CNN, to demonstrates a capability of reconstructing melody-based images after model training with a certain number of epochs.

Fix your npm Installation on macOS

If you are new to macOS and just started a npm project, one of the case you might meet is that sometimes your npm can successfully install the package, but whenever you call it the terminal can never find it. For example:

Ultimate Solution for Python Environment Setup on your system: install Conda and coding with VS Code