| Reading List

What’s this Page?

This is a place I use to store all useful resources and articles. They are certified by myself to be helpful and worth-reading.


Labuladong Leetcode

Highly detailed leetcode explanation and guide note book. All topics covers around 150 algorithm questions.


Very useful roadmap for beginners to start leetcode.

Blind 75

High-frequency leetcode questions by companies. Very useful for interview preparation.

Machine Learning/ Deep Learning

System Design

Consistency Note from Colorado State University

A detailed explanation of consistency models.

Web Develop Tools


Icons for all kind of social media and objects for representation. Easy to plug-in and offer three different sets of edge types.


Interactive lab for active web applications and has detailed tutorial. As a substitute for katacode, it’s easier to get hand on but don’t have much liberty to messing around and try your own thought.


Learn CS

A collection of CS curriculum from MIT, Stanford, CMU and UC Berkeley.